Native American Rug
Navajo Pendants (Larry Bill Tom)
Navajo Turquoise Ring: 1920s
New England Blanket Chest
Night Flight by Rockwell Kent
Northern Night by Rockwell Kent
Northlands Winter with Hawk by Edward Christiana
Oarsman by Rockwell Kent
Officer’s Haversack
On the Terrace by Edward Christiana
Painted Portrait of a Lady in Ambrotype
Persian Inspired Heriz Style Rug, 20th Century
Personals Box in the Form of a Book
Picasso Show by Helen Titenaue
Political Button
Portrait of Jack Caswell by Edward Christiana
Revisitation: Lithograph by Rockwell Kent
Rock Island Arsenal Musket Sling
Rocks and Cove, Maine by Edward Christiana
Rockwell Kent by Merle Armitage
Rockwell Kent, by Merle Armitage
Roswell Morse Shurtleff (Attributed): Adirondack Forest Scene
Rural Landscape Painting by J.R. Page
Sacandaga River Falls by Jay Stewart
Salamina, by Rockwell Kent, in two editions
Sea and Sky by Rockwell Kent
Serapi Rug, 20th Century
Seven Drawings from Wilderness by Rockwell Kent
Silhouette of a Gentleman by William Henry Brown
Silver Belt Clip
Silver Spoon with a Lady Motif Handle
Spirits or Liquor Chest
Springfield 45-70 Trapdoor
Stand Clear the Closing Doors by Mary Gaylord
Stereo Cards
Still Life with Conch Shell and Platter by D. Corbit
Stonington Houses by Edward Christiana
Study, by Edward Christiana
Surveying Instruments
Sword Belt
Tarot Cards by Piatnik and Söhne
Telescope with Leather Grip
Telescoping Candlesticks
The “Bridge” from Columbia Heights, by Letterio Calapai