“Tea Hour,” 1932, by Daniel Augello
1859 Sample with Brilliantly Colored Flora and Fauna
Adventurers Share Admiration: Rockwell Kent and Frederick O’Brien
American Eagle and Cornucopia Toleware Tray
And Women Must Weep
Angel (or Cherub) Architectural Element
Apple Tea Caddy
Arnold Wood: Study in Pedantry from Rouault
Barber’s or Bleeding Bowl
Bartlett, Garvens & Co., Surgical Instrument Box
Benjamin Franklin Portrait
Black Triangle by John Loy
Boats and Sea by Edward Christiana
Books: By and About Rockwell Kent
Books… by and about Rockwell Kent
Brass Buckle with Floral Stamp
Bufflehead Drake Decoy
Burl veneer document box with brass straps
Camp High Pines 1920. A homemade portfolio of 31 photographs
Campaign Hats
Canada Geese “Fire Board”
Canton Bowls
Chamber Stick
Charlotte by Rockwell Kent: Lithograph
Civil War Period Collapsible Cups
Civil War Soldier: Tintype
Climbing the Bars, a lithograph by Rockwell Kent
Clogs: Carved Wood
Clothes Iron Wire Whimsy
Clothier’s Apron
Communing with Nature, a lithograph by Rockwell Kent
Connie and Joanne by Edward Christiana
Cove with Bathers (Maine) by Edward Christiana
Covered Slat Basket: Of American Indian Origins
Deep Water, wood engraving by Rockwell Kent
Diamond Rock (Lighthouse) by Richard Lilley
Diver, a wood engraving by Rockwell Kent
Doctor’s Pocket or Field Surgical Set
Double Pan Grease Lamp
Double Powder Charger
Drafting Instruments
Drawing of Activity at a Garrison
Eagle Snowbird
Early 19th Century Tacked, Dome-top Trunk
Early Buckles, Two