The wax jack was used to hold a taper of sealing wax intended to create a seal on documents.
Three hallmarks underneath the tray attribute this wax jack to the maker E. (Elizur) G. Webster (1829-1900). Webster was an American silversmith who founded E. G. Webster & Son–one of several manifestations of Webster’s company, throughout its history. (There are conflicting dates, attributed to the partnership under this name, that include 1873 and 1886.)
The original snuffer and wax pin (or key) are extant. A scallop and floral motif decorates the edges of the tray. The tray of this lighting device measures approximately 4 (4 1/2 inches including the handle) by 3 1/8 inches, and a height of approximately 4 1/8 inches.
Previously $300, Now $225. (20-62TEN)